Selected comments from participants
“Hands down the best course for the FRCOphth final exam“
“Excellent, engaging tutors. Well structured, comprehensive course, focussed on the Part 2 clinical exams”
“Very interactive, allowing us to emulate the real exam conditions”
“Both Mr Yusuf and Mr Salmon were excellent teachers and I feel much better prepared for the exam than I was before attending”
“The videos were excellent and were discussed very well. Everyone was given a chance to interact”
“Absolutely amazing. I feel more confident after the course”
“Brilliant course. Very knowledgeable course leaders and very happy to help answer queries relating to exam + clinical setting in a friendly, approachable way”
“Very crisp and concise, yet comprehensive at the same time”
“The balance of content and interactivity was perfect”
“Really good course. Very well organised and run with excellent teaching”
Course enhancements
We improve the course at each iteration in response to feedback!
- We have added clinical videos to simulate the new FRCOphth OSCE format.
- Flowcharts summarising landmark clinical trials, NICE guidelines and College guidelines are produced for major diseases (i.e. diabetic macular oedema, BRVO, CRVO, myopic CNV etc). Electronic copies are sent to all participants afterwards for their review and study.
- We have integrated a summary of current DVLA driving standards.
- We have added visual field examples to both the glaucoma and neuro-ophthalmology presentations.
- Hess charts are covered in both strabismus and neuro-ophthalmology talks.
- A separate trauma presentation has been added.
- An additional presentation on “Attitudes, Ethics and Responsibilities” has been added.
- We will arrange hot food; individual lunchboxes were a temporary adjustment due to COVID. Halal and vegetarian options are provided as standard.
- We will attempt to arrange the course at least 4 weeks prior to the examination to allow candidates more time for further preparations.