As part of the course, all candidates will be taken station-by-station through a past FRCOphth Part 2 Oral examination, describing actual stations (patients and scenarios), written examiner feedback, and the marking criteria for each station.

This will help candidates to understand what examiners are looking for in the OSCE and Viva.

The course features numerous clinical videos to give candidates practice at identifying clinical signs with questions about investigation and management, simulating the new hybrid OSCE format.

Each presentation is highly interactive and inclusive, simulating the exam with quizzes prior to each clinical presentation.

The course ends with a group session on data interpretation (relevant to Viva stations: “Data Interpretation” and “Patient Management 1&2”) with individual feedback/coaching on response strategy and language with more than 50 worked examples and in a supportive group environment.

The course integrates some of the most important landmark clinical trials in ophthalmology that candidates should be familiar with for the FRCOphth Part 2 examination. We provide pre-course materials to help candidates consolidate their knowledge, and post-course materials with flowcharts integrating clinical trials and NICE guidelines by disease (diabetic macular oedema, retinal vein occlusion, AMD etc.)

Numerous clinical guidelines (from both NICE and RCOphth) are covered throughout the course in each subspecialty,

A presentation on “Attitudes, Medical Ethics and Responsibilities” supports candidates for this Viva station.